1883 - Slone's Ridge Cemetery

   In 1851-1852, a large caravan of wagons arrived in this area from Irwin County, Georgia. Among those traveling in the wagon caravan would be the first known settlers to arrive in the area that would become known as Slone's Ridge.
   The settlement was named after, future veteran of the War of Northern Agression (Civil War), Captain William W. Slone, who left his family here to go fight for the Confederacy. William served as a Captain in Florida's Cow Cavalry, along with his 1st cousin and fellow settler Lieutenant Daniel Sloan. (Read more about them below). The Cow Calvary was formed in order to round up cattle and drive them to areas where Confederate soldiers were stationed.

William W. Slone and his wife Rebecca Jane (Parker-Williams) a widow also from Irwin County, Georgia, were married in 1843 before coming to Florida. Together they had 15 children. Rebecca had one daughter from her previous marriage, Nancy Carolyn Williams (1840-1845).

On November 20th 1875, William received a deed, signed by then President Ulysses S. Grant, for 155 acres that he had homesteaded. Captain Slone continued to add to his land until he had totaled 640 acres.

Rebecca died in 1883 from Tuberculosis. William created a cemetery for her near his home. It is still known as Slone's Ridge Cemetery.

Captain Slone died in 1900 and was buried at Slone's Ridge Cemetery.

There are three crosses together in the cemetery. They are said to be marking the graves of grandsons of Capt. W. W. Slone. The boys died after eating clay from the well.

On November 11th, 1992, Frank and Mary Lee Harrell were met by Ivy Lee Slone at the cemetery to read the stones and make a layout of the cemetery. Mary Lee Barnes Harrell is the great-great-great-granddaughter of Captain W. W. Slone and his wife Rebecca Jane Parker Williams Slone. Living nearby is Mildred Merritt Lee (widow of Clarence Lee). She has much information on William W. Slone. She told us of her daughter Janet Lee. Her son Frank Lee joined us later.