1871 - Empire and the First Church of South Lake - James Knight

1871 - Empire

   The area known as Empire is located four miles south of Mascotte.
   During the 1800s there were few established roads. Houses were built in isolated areas, sometimes several miles apart. This sometimes makes it difficult to establish definite boundaries for settlements and to place certain families in specifically named areas.

   It is known that James Henry Knight settled south of what is now Mascotte, about 1871, in an area that would be called Empire.

   In 1871, a church was established there with Rev. Joel Swain as the first pastor. It became known as Empire Church and was the first one built in South Lake County. It is known that land was purchased from the government by James Henry Knight and would later be deeded for the erecting of a church building and for a graveyard.

It is recorded that people came from miles around to attend service at this Primitive Baptist Church. People arrived in ox carts, wagons, on horse back, or walked. The Empire graveyard is one of the oldest in this area.

   The charter members and their families of this congregation came from various communities, including:
       George W. Dukes (Taylorville),
       Jesse Lee (Carter's Island),
       Simeon Tison (Bay Lake).

   Although not charter members, others who joined during the 1800s were the families of:
       Stephen Carlton,
              John Douglas,
       John Goff,
       John Story (Bay Lake),
       Aaron and Moses Tomlinson,
       Jake Varn (from east of Taylorville),
along with others.

   Around 1874, the family of James and Lavina Lee arrived in Monte Vista. James was the brother of Jesse Lee who had already come to Monte Vista or Carter's Island around 1871. James was a medic during the War of Northern Agression (Civil War). Since there were no doctors in Empire, James offered medical help to the locals.
   Milton Lee, one of their six children, married Idaho Swain, the granddaughter of Joel Swain, who was the first pastor of Empire Church.

   The Empire graveyard, being one of the oldest in this area, has many early settlers and veterens of the War of Norther Agression (Civil War) buried there, including:
       Aaron Tomlinson, buried 1886
       James Henry Knight, buried 1888,
       Newton Stewart, buried 1895.
   Other Confederate veterans buried there are:
       Stephen S. Carlton,
       Hezekiah Drawdy,
       James Lee,
       Jesse Lee,
       John Story,
       Simeon Tison.

The little church showed a spurt of growth in 1885 when James Henry Knight, as trustee, purchased 40 acres for it. The first two buildings were made of logs, the third of frame construction and the fourth of cement blocks. The 40 acres were turned over to Jacob B. Varn and John A. Douglass, as trustees, by the heirs of James Henry Knight in 1889.

At the dedication of one of the buildings, the fol lowing from old church records was read for those assem bled, said Bettye Knight Barest of Lakeland, great-grand daughter of James Henry Knight: "In the year of 1871, these old brethren met here for the purpose of worship, and earnestly contended for the faith that was once delivered to the saints when the wolves and panthers and bears and other wild beasts were prowling around. People came here from miles and miles around. Some on horseback. And some walked for miles and the Lord was their defense."

As time went on, 20 of the original 40 acres were sold and the rest not needed for the church became a cemetery where many of the original church members are buried.

[Contributors: Mary Helen Myers, Jason Brown]

Next Article: 1874-1888 - The Forgotten Town of Monte Vista